Why BBO-PROPEXRESS….What are the advantages.
Any BBO Member can List Properties For Sale or to Rent on BBO-PROPEXPRESS.
The Listing Process is easy with an attractive user interface.
The number of free listings will be dependent on your User Profile and subject to BBO promotions from time to time. If you Register as Member you will see the options on My Packages.
Online Proposals and Tenders on BBO-PROPEXPRESS as well as Silent and Realtime Online Auctions on BBO- AUCTIONS are new and exciting ways of selling Property and catches the public's interest, especially as it promises keen pricing/bargains.
BBO-PROPEXPRESS advertises selected Properties on Syndicated Property Sites such as P24 that draws viewers to the BBO site to find Online Trading Details and more Investment Properties.
The BBO Membership system is a unique approach for the public to partake in Property Referrals and Listings and earning additional income on successful Sales.
Estate Agents and Agencies are also welcome as Members as well as anyone that would like to become and Estate Agent.
BBO interfaces Pro Actively with Social Media Platforms and encourages all its Members to do the same via the tools provided on the BBO system.
Online Property trading on BBO-PROPEXPRESS allowing for Online Proposals and Tenders provide faster negotiating and transacting turnaround times whilst Silent Realtime and Online Auctions on BBO Auctions have finite time scales.
The Online Trading Approach makes for substantially reduced Sales Commission Rates for Sellers. See Terms and Conditions per Transaction
Please click on GO TO BBO AUCTIONS in the top right Hand menu and read ABOUT US and FAQ's on the BBO AUCTIONS Website.
Online Proposals and Tenders are managed on BESTBIDONLINE and Silent plus Realtime Online Auctions on BBO AUCTIONS.
Property Listing Options
Anyone can List Properties For Sale or to Rent on BBO-PROPEXPRESS, including your own Property or that of a friend, family or a client. You should preferably Register as BBO Member, get full access to the MEMBERS DASHBOARD, Request BBO Agent status, choose a Package and List away, or of it is more of a once off Referral/Listing you can go directly to EASY LIST/REFERALL and submit a Property via e-mail.
Work From Home/Earning Opportunies
Find a Property For Sale, get the owners permission to List/Sell it. Take or get some photographs of the Property, Register as BBO Member, click on become Agent in My Profile, choose a Package and List Properties.
When they Sell via BBO you are eligible for a Referral Fee. Fees are published in My Packages.
Yes the combination of BBO-PROPERTY EXPRESS as listing platform with its Estate Agency Franchisees and BBO AUCTIONS provide a focused property sales channel that will provide ongoing opportunities to Earn Income as Referring and Listing BBO Member/Agent as long as you diligently keep listing properties.
It is preferable to Register especially if you would like to list properties on a regular basis. However you can without Registering go directly to EASY LIST/REFERRAL in the top right hand menu and Submit a Property via email.
No anyone can Register as a BBO Member and click on "Become an Agent" on My Profile.
You effectively become a Referral Agent for BBO and earn Referral Fees if you List a Property and it is sold via BBO. Referral Fee Rates are published under My Packages.
If you become a successful BBO Agent and would like to become an Estate Agent BBO can facilitate this by registering you as Intern Estate Agent with one of our Franchisees.
Fees and Commissions
Referral Fees and Commissions are published under My Packages in the MEMBER DASHBOARD for which so you have to Register as Member to get access.
Register/Login Questions
Please click on Register/Login in Top Menu and proceed from there.
Once you have submitted your details a password will be sent to your email address which will then allow you to Login.
You need to be Registered as a BBO Member to have full access to all the features and benefits of the BBO site including the MEMBER DASHBOARD and MY BBO PROFILE.
Property Listing Queries
Please load full address including street name and number on the Google Map and Pin the address on the right bottom of map. We will add your Province/State, City and where practical the Neighbourhood as well as the BBO system and the Franchisee areas grow.
The BBO size limit per image is 500kb
BBO allows up to 20 images of each Property to be uploaded.
Images are either too large too small or have duplicate titles.