Anyone can list a Property….and earn from 25%to 50% of the Sales Commission. You can either Register / Login and as BBO Member / Agent have full access to all the site features with your own User Dashboard and Profile and List multiple Properties….or….You can submit the Property to be Listed by filling in this form and attaching a photograph of the Property and we will assist you….You can List any Property, your own or that of a friend or neighbour, as long as you have permission to do so….Estate Agents need to have a Mandate from the Owner….When you List a Property on this site you are effectively Mandating BBO to Sell the Property by Online / Silent Auction / Tender and you will receive a Referral Fee or Commission when it is sold by one of the BBO Property Professional Franchisees….See PACKAGES under MEMBER DASHBOARD, once you have REGISTERED and LOGGED IN as MEMBER, for Fees.